Tips for Digital Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) / Coggins Tests

by Rebecca Haugland | January 19, 2021

Our customer success team has put together their best tips and favorite features to make Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) tests, also known as Coggins, easier than ever with GVL.

The GlobalVetLink platform enables animal health practitioners to quickly and accurately create digital EIA test certificates with real-time test transmission to labs.

Learn more about GVL Digital EIA tests.

GlobalVetLink EIA features

Completed EIA Email Notifications

You can receive email notifications when the lab has resulted and signed EIA (Coggins) tests. These email notifications can be sent to the clinic, to the signing veterinarian, or to both. You can turn these email notifications on by visiting your clinic settings. Visit our help center for instructions.

Help Resources

Easy Access to EIA Batch Create

Easily access the EIA batch create feature directly from the home screen of your GVL account. Click on Create in the upper right corner and hover over EIA to select EIA Batch and create multiple EIA drafts at one time.

Email Completed EIAs from Recently Completed

Another update to GVL EIAs is the ability to email completed EIA certificates directly from the Recently Completed tab. To send an individual EIA, hover over Actions and select Email. To send multiple EIA certificates, check the boxes on the left side for the certificates you need to send and from the Actions select Email.

Collect photos & data with free HorseSync app

GVL HorseSync is a free app that helps users collect new animal photos and data to sync to your GVL account later.


  • This app is best used for creating NEW animals that are not in the GVL system.
  • Horses will only sync after good wifi or data connection is established and after clicking “Sync Animals.”
    After horses are synced to GVL, they will be available under “HorseSync Animals”, in the Animals tab under Records, until you complete the horse profile.


HorseSync Help Center

Remember these EIA workflows

Improve EIA processing by digitally submitting tests, receiving results and sharing with owners faster with GVL.


  • Clinic is responsible for getting lab submittal form in the labs hands via PDF or through downloading and emailing it manually.
  • If you see a mistake on the owner/animal profile while you are creating the draft, you can edit it directly in GVL.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

“When are we charged?”

You are not charged for an EIA / Coggins until it has been signed and resulted back from the lab.

“What if I made a mistake on the coggins?”

EIAs can be re-resulted if they meet the following criteria per the USDA: it is the request of the submitting veterinarian, the original EIA is voided, it is within 30-days of the blood draw/sample, it is NOT for change in ownership, and the changes do not substantially affect the identification of the animal. If the EIA meets that criteria, then this is what we recommend.

Once a Coggins test is signed we cannot make edits or changes to it. Here is what we recommend you do:

If the test hasn’t been resulted back in the GVL system:

  • Edit the owner/animal information so it includes the correct info
  • Delete it out of the “Awaiting Lab Approval” section under “List”
  • Ensure the lab has the most recent Lab Submittal Form in PDF form.

If the test has been resulted back in the GVL system:

  • Edit the owner/animal information so it includes the corrected info.
  • Call the lab and inform them of the situation. Many labs will result the test again without requiring another blood sample, however it is entirely up to them.
  • Void the coggins with the incorrect information.
  • Rewrite the coggins in GVL and send it to the lab.

“What browser should I be using?”

GVL works best with Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge. We recommend staying away from browsers such as Safari or Internet Explorer while using GVL.

“Do I need to include the rabies vaccination on the coggins?”

Rabies is an optional field on the coggins. You may include it if you desire.

See below for information about sharing certificates with clients.

Sharing EIA test certificates with your clients

Provide your clients with a MyVetLink animal owner account for 24/7 access to their certificates and records. We’ve also included some resources below you can share with clients to help them get started.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

“How do my clients access their coggins?”

As long as you have an email on file and have granted MyVetLink access, they have the option to register for a MyVetLink account and access any documents immediately after they are completed. They can sign up here.

If they do not have a MyVetLink account you can always send them a copy of the coggins via email through the “Completed” tab of GVL.

You may also download and print a copy to hand them.

“What is the difference between an “Owner” and an “Agent” account?”

Owner accounts are designed specifically for owners to access their personal horses.

Agent accounts allow access to personal horses as well as client horses. Agents must be linked as an agent to both personal and client horses in order to view documents.
